Thursday 24 September 2015

Day 78: My Forgotten Life in Art Part Four - Odd Todd Edition

Yes, as most, if not all, of these drawings were done when I was between the ages of 14 and 16, you might guess that my number one subject was Todd Rundgren.

Here I've got his seven colors of hair down, but his face and nose are not quite the right shape.

Not a very flattering portrait from 1974, but it does look a bit more like him.

I believe I was attempting to draw the photo on the back of Something/Anything? here.

Here come the Nazz... Or my attempt to draw the back of the album cover. I don't think Todd's overbite was quite that extreme!

This one of A Wizard, A True Star, being sort of cartoonish and primitive in the first place, fared a bit better.

The Todd LP cover:

Hmmm, here he looks a bit clownish... Or mime-ish?

Things are slightly lopsided here...

And finally, another attempt in color:

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