Friday 7 August 2015

Day 71: Photos Taken Around the House: Family Room Edition Part One

This next selection of photos were all taken in the family room.

Yeah, I'm wearing one of my homemade shirts as a dress again. I made this from a Misterrogers LP cover that Greg Salva gave me. It's 1979 as I only have one tail; Rick Wilder tried to cut it off with thinning scissors when I was staying at Mau-Mau Manor one weekend.

Not completely sure who the puppeteers are here, but I just found and washed those glove puppets last week. Those would be my Christmas cards on the cork board. And my dad's 3D map below.

My sister and her friends trying on some headgear. And yes, that's a Grand Funk 3D poster behind them I believe.

 Not sure where I was going but that's my mom's wedding dress. This would have been 1984 I think.

 Peter Schaaf and ??? Looks like he's just gone for a swim.

Christmas Day 1983; Mikey had spent the night on the sofabed. I am playing my new Falling Spiders "video" game.

 Kristin's self portrait with reflection of the bumper pool table.

They usually preferred my parents' bed upstairs, but here Tabitha and Daisy are snuggled on the downstairs couch. Note some of my artwork in the foreground; jar of peanut butter and fireplace popcorn maker in the background.

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