Saturday 9 May 2015

Day 30: Parties Inside the House Part One

We had a few inside parties, usually around the holidays (and my sister's birthday which is between Christmas and New Year's) or my birthday in March. I sometimes made Glogg or egg nog, and bought a lot of cheap records or tacky items from Pic 'n' Save for a gift exchange.

This was the invitation for my party in 1994. I don't seem to have any photos from this party however! It was a memorable one, though. We had recently found Frankie Marley, alive and well in San Francisco; everyone had lost touch with him in 1984. He flew down for this party and he and Dez Cadena took over the house for a couple of days. "Chicken fried steak on the poop deck at oh seven thirty!"

Going back almost ten years, my sister made this invitation in 1984. I had just quit my job in Culver City and I returned to Leeds a couple of days later.

My birthday party in 1983. I had just taken a calligraphy class.

Here I am at that birthday party, sitting in the Eames chair in the dining room. I have no explanation for my expression except that I think I was still very jet lagged. I have no explanation for my hair-do except that it was 1983.

Fast forward to Christmas 1983. Here I am with Joe "Mama" Zinnato in the living room. I still have that dress. See below!

Here's the dress in 2009. But that's in Henry Peck's old house... Back to John Street...

Joe Mama poses on his own...

Here he is in the living room again, but at a different party. The cushion he's half peeking from has giraffes on it. It's no longer here, but that couch is. In fact I am sitting on it right now, writing this, and trying to figure out what the picture is behind Joe's right arm.

Same chair, end table, record rack, different Christmas. This was my Christmas / Going Away party in 1984, invitation above. Mikey looks thrilled. To the right of the beer can is my mom's Christmas sun visor with flashing lights. No, I was not wearing it; it would have clashed with my outfit.

What have we here? My sister on the living room couch (currently in the family room) with Steve Wynn trying out a bare midriff look. Two days later she turned 21 and Steve took her for a drink to celebrate. Trader Vic's or Kelbo's?, he seems to be pondering. This would have been my Boxing Day Bash of 1981. I believe that's Jim Allan in the background.

 Same party; later in my sister's room. I believe it was Karl's idea to wrangle her.

My German pen pal, Christel, came to the party. I have no idea what Karl is doing but it involves some fancy footwork. By the way I like that beaded lamp; it disappeared once this room became the Bug Room.

Oops, I guess this photo should have been first. I gave Karl enough rope, as Steve looks on.

We move festively and firmly forward into the 80s. Beware the savage jaw of 1984.

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