Saturday 4 July 2015

Day 56: Fourth of July on John Street

There used to be an annual block party here, though I more often than not was not around for it. But the main people who organized it or participated are now all dead or gone, including my parents. Fireworks are illegal in Manhattan Beach - even sparklers! But still, a lot of lawbreaking goes on as there are several fireworks stands on the County strip near the freeway.

For a couple of recent years the next door neighbors would shoot rockets from their back yard so my father and I had a free display from the dining room window. They nearly set a tree in their yard alight a few times; I watched them douse it with buckets of water.

My brother and his family were here on this day a couple of years ago, and here are some photos. Don't tell the fireworks cops!

Luke practices for the rhythmic gymnastic team.

Drake looks as if he is taking part in some pagan ritual!

Yes, once upon a time, Drake could actually get excited about things outside of Minecraft...

Annabelle's a little too young to hold a sparkler and stays safe with her daddy.

Look at that spaceship that has landed in the background! Happy 4th and stay safe!

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