Wednesday 22 July 2015

Day 65: Valley of the Dirty Dolls Part Four

It's been a while since I've served up some old dolls, but I was inspired by my nephew Luke's "artwork" this evening; he took a cheapo modern Bratz-type doll and turned her into a blood-spattered murderess with some of my nail polish. (He also painted her collar to match her miniskirt.)

I have another box of dolls to photograph before I'm done, so I'll see what's left from the first photo session.

This flame-haired dirndl-wearing beauty is merely a bit frizzy and mucky. She seems to have escaped the dreaded doll mold.


 I am not sure I can even think of an appropriate comment for this one!

So I'll just have to show you more of him... He's got those Village of the Damned eyes, though in a beautiful shade of light blue.

 Here's another who only needs a good scrubdown in the bath...


Although she does have a bit of doll mold on her eyelids and lashes...

 The End. (At least of this part!)

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