Saturday 11 July 2015

Day 60: More Photos Taken In and Around the House

Selfie in the downstairs bathroom mirror, 1978. I managed to avoid the flash reflection problem, but should have got out the Windex, I suppose. Of course the wallpaper, bead curtain (not seen here) and shower door are still the same today.

 Snoozing brings peace and harmony. Daisy the cockapoo, who loved both the kitties, Zowie the cat who survived the dryer and only tolerated Daisy, and Tabitha, who despised them both, on my parents' bed. The lamp on the nightstand, from the Grand Canyon, is still there, as is the cedar chest next to it. Rotary phone replaced sometime in the eighties. Paperwork would have belonged to my father; probably church treasurer figures as I see a calculator.

Embarrassing shot I found in one of my mom's photo albums. This would have also been late 1978; my fringe/bangs having been recently bleached as my mother kept complaining about the Pinkissimo Crazy Colours shade (I think she paid me...) This is the living room; that couch is still here but is now downstairs. The afghan, made by my grandmother is on the 1984 couch, about three feet away from me right now. I am doing homework, probably Linguistics. The Morris book bag was a gift from Dan and Toni Winter's mom. That small dark object on my left shoulder is Todd Rundgren's guitar pick, which I wore on a chain around my neck. And hark! In front of the book bag are a couple letters that probably arrived that day. But I cannot tell who they are from.

Same couch a few months later. This is March 1979 and that is my German pen pal, Christel, who was visiting her aunt in Orange County. A lot of the things on the shelves behind us are still on those shelves. Kristin graduation photo at nine o'clock. Not quite sure what the spaceship was, though I see a box labeled UFO. It was around my birthday so if you gave me this thing and I have forgotten, please forgive me.

I guess my mother was trying to use up a roll of film. This would have been from the late seventies too, although those DeGrazia paintings remained up there until this year. Most of the objects on the mantelpiece are now on those other shelves; I see all the birds and most of the vases. That orange pillow resided there for decades; I think it only was thrown out recently. Or maybe it's still lurking here somewhere.

 Some kind of party my parents threw for their church friends. They seem to be watching something on TV. Though the guy in the leather jacket is watching something in the other direction.

 Same party I think, in the dining room. Now it's looking like Saint Patrick's Day!

 My sister on the balcony in her confirmation dress, 1974. Not many of those trees in the background are left now.

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