Tuesday 16 June 2015

Day 46: Stuff on the Walls Part Two

Okay, these aren't technically on the wall, but on the beams in the family room. Anybody who has ever been in this house has been known to ask if we still have those Peanuts pictures. Of course! All through the sixties and until they stopped doing them in the mid to late seventies, my mom would use a Peanuts wall calendar. These were printed on high quality cardboard (I will do a post on old calendars and show the date bit) and brightly colored. Shortly after we moved in, in 1972 my mom cut the cartoons from a bunch of old calendars and staple gunned them to the beams, on both sides. There they have remained ever since!

 The dartboard has always been above the fireplace. In early years it used to feature a photo of Bobby Sherman or Donny Osmond; in 1979 I stuck a photo of Greg "Willy" Williams on it (of The Others and briefly in the Weirdos; does anyone know what happened to him?) when he didn't come to a dinner party I threw in his honor. (I also threw a bag of spaghetti at him at the Fleetwood.)

Some of the colors have faded a bit, but they have been up for nearly half a century now! Here you can see the Pachinko machine; more photos of that later...

 The desert painting used to hang in the living room in Gardena. Then I believe it was up at the Pinyon Crest cabin for a while, but it's been in the family room for the past two decades or so.

 This DeGrazia painting hung above the living room fireplace for decades, then was moved to the hallway.

And the DeGrazia roadrunner also moved, to my brother's old room.

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