Saturday 20 June 2015

Day 48: My Forgotten Life in Art Part One

Today I was going through stuff in the back of the top shelf of my closet. I opened this velveteen covered Hickory Farms box, which has seen better days.

You know when you've forgotten something even existed but when you see it again, it looks so familiar? That's this book:

This one too:

Who uses tracing paper in a boat?!

Before I start showing my preteen and teenage "artwork", I must explain that none of this was for school. Apart from ae few evening classes at Jacob Kramer in the late '80s when I lived in Leeds, I have not done art in school since fifth or sixth grade, or even earlier. This was purely a hobby and I guess how I filled my time in the Dark Ages before the Internet. I never liked creating on demand.

I think this dachshund has been chowing down too much dog food.

I have no memory of actually doing these drawings, i.e., where in the house I sat to draw. I also was surprised to find that I had done so many drawings. I do vaguely remember buying the charcoal and pastels...

I was very into horses. I was disappointed that we didn't move to Palos Verdes; there were no horses in Manhattan Beach. Something happened with the nose here...


I guess this one was too rectangular...

But mostly I drew the same angry mustang, over and over. What would a shrink make of this?


Here's Savage Spirit's (I think that was a title of a book) brother... He's more of a union organizer.

 Oh. My obsession with mustangs had nothing to do with the fact that my high school team was called the Mustangs. I had no school/team spirit. I'll leave you with a hint of what's coming in part two. I liked drawing hair.


  1. LOL I am really getting a KICK out of these.

  2. Love the drawing of the pudgy dachshund. Very reminiscent of our dog, Schroeder, especially after he had been over-indulging in chocolate chip cookies.
