Tuesday 14 April 2015

Day 12: Let's Folk Art!

These things were in a drawer with my knitting stuff.

I made this fabulous 3D felt cut-out picture (complete with a luxe plastic frame) from a kit. Yes, the poodle on the left lost its eye sometime in the past few decades, but the picture's new owner, my nephew Luke, will find a bead to repair it.

This, however, was not from a kit. I don't think it was a school project either. I think I saw the idea in a magazine and copied it onto a piece of yellow burlap. Not sure that the whiskers were meant to look like sticks of charcoal though.

And while we're on the subject of cats, I acquired this patchwork little pillow from my grandma, and gave it to my cat, Tabitha. For the first month I had her she lived outside and slept in the crook of my ash tree; I wanted to make it more comfortable for her!

I decorated it for her with fabric paint around the same time as I painted my white sneakers like this hippie girl's that I saw in Life Magazine. (Unfortunately the shoes are long gone.)

Does anybody still do macramé? When I was in about tenth grade, we had to come to school early once a week for a while. This extra 7am class was supposed to be fun, and the one I chose, Macramé, was OK, but I mostly remember feeling extra grumpty and half asleep. I made a green plant pot holder, which my mom used for years, and this belt.

I was transitioning from the bright colors of my youth to the red and black combo I favored for years after that. I am not sure I ever wore the belt, but it was hanging on a hook in my closet for decades.

My mom threw out my childhood quilt when I was about 12, as it was falling to bits. I saved a piece of it; if I ever join a quilting bee I'll be prepared. I can't tell you how many hours I must have spent, staring at the pictures on this quilt, deciding which was my favorite car. It was usually the 1907 one.

And finally, I never really liked the Happy Face thing, very popular in the early to mid 70s, and I think that this pillow cover was my response to it. It has lost an eye; no wonder it's not happy! I never found a round pillow to stuff it with.

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