Wednesday 15 April 2015

Day 14: The difference between my mom and dad

My mom was the eternal optimist. Hers is the bold writing on the top.

 My dad wrote the bit below, which is probably true. Still, I intend to look up some of those cards on eBay; you never know!

My mom's set of The Forsyte Saga books sat on the living room bookshelves for several decades. When I was around ten I defaced one of the titles; it was just too tempting!

I wasn't the only one in the family to deface book covers, though. One or both of my parents bought this book back when it was published. (And yes, they both voted for him!)

But around the time of Watergate, one of them got the red pen out:


  1. Replies
    1. (Just noticed this now...) Yeah, whatever happened to Thom McAn?!
