Monday 6 April 2015

Day 6: Evidence that I started early as an animal rights activist!

My mom saved everything (apart from the stuff I would rescue from the trash as a teenager; she never really understood why I would wear clothes that were ripped and torn, but to be honest, I really don't understand why anyone would buy a pair of hundred-dollar jeans that are already ripped and torn, so go figure!)

We found this letter, in its envelope, in a drawer. I only vaguely remember writing it when I was in second grade or so. I had seen a mousetrap, thankfully with no dead mouse in it, somewhere in the family church's buildings. I wrote and addressed this letter, and presumably gave it to my mother to post, but she intercepted it.

Eek! Evidence that I was not always a fantastic speller! At least I got the second line right...

I'm disapointed (sic) in how I spelled "apparently" too! Shame...

One good thing: I don't recall ever seeing a mouse trap on the premises after that!

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