Monday 20 April 2015

Day 17: Lepidoptera!

My father was an amateur Lepidopterist, ie, a butterfly and moth collector. He was not one by profession only because there was more money to raise a family in mathematical engineering, but he devoted nearly every spare moment to this hobby. He was mainly interested in moths, mostly because there are so many more undiscovered species (he discovered and wrote papers on several, the first one he named after me.)

When you walk in the house you see this case:

which caused a young friend of mine in the early 90s by the name of Sofia to squeal: "That's so neat your father is a butterfly collector!" (She also thought it was "neat" that my mom sometimes made pancakes for dinner.) And me to think to myself: "That's so neat your father is a world famous film director who owns half of San Francisco." But I digress...

More about the equipment and collection later; I'll just leave you with a few more colorful specimens.

 The big one is a moth, the world's largest...

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