Wednesday 21 October 2015

Day 100: My Scrapbooks Part One

This was my original scrapbook, which I received for Christmas when I was around 8 or 9. When I discovered Todd, I moved everything to another blank scrapbook, and this one was devoted solely to Todd Rundgren-related stuff. That's glitter nail polish, natch.

This was the very first Todd show I ever saw. It was four hours of fabulousness. I was in the 12th row. Note my comment on the left re: (sic) "Bibi"; I was not a fan!

 Handout from the SMC show:

 I knew this chick at school who was into Alice Cooper. We both would buy or subscribe to Circus Magazine, Creem, and Rock Scene. I would give her all the photos and clippings on Alice and she would give me Todd stuff. If you had two copies you could stick photos on your wall (or inside your locker at school) and leave the other intact in your scrapbook.

From Circus I think...

Here is my other scrapbook.

I was so into chimpanzees; this is a story about Washoe and Lucy; chimps who were taught American Sign Language by Dr. Roger Fouts. They learned abstract concepts and constructed original sentences. I wanted to work with them when I grew up so when I went to UCLA I majored in Linguistics. Big mistake; linguists at this time did not consider this language. In the late 90s I met Roger and he said I would be an ideal candidate for this program observing the ASL speaking chimps, who now live in a sanctuary in Washington State. I studied ASL and applied, and was rejected. Oh well.

From a House of Mystery comic book, this was my favorite story when I was young.

 I was way too young to "come on down", but you could briefly see my dad and me when the camera swept over the audience. If you tuned in that day, that is; this was way before Betamaxes, unless you were the final family in the Carousel of Progress...

More talking chimps!

This was definitely NOT an item in my scrapbook! It was on the back of a page that was however; was it an article about how to kiss? I guess I'll never know!

Placemats from a family vacation to Canada:

Mary Tyler Moore, puppies, Mason Reese and Rodney Allen Rippy!

I believe I circled the songs I liked.

I didn't always agree with the LA Times music critic, Robert Hilburn, but now I miss him!

 Gilbert O'Sullivan and Olga Korbut

 This is a weird one. I used to watch Alias Smith and Jones. Apparently Hannibal Heyes opened the safe, but I can't for the life of me remember the significance of said action!

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