Monday 12 October 2015

Day 92: More miscellaneous stuff of mine: Pens, Horses, Swim Stuff and School Desks

I collect "floatie" pens; the colorful ones that have objects that go back in forth in them: boats, trains, Bigfoot, Elvis, the Pope... I think this is most of them; there might be a few in storage in London but I think I gathered the majority of them together here.

My collecting has slowed down as now many places that sell these pens sell the inferior type that is made in China. The good ones have "Made in Denmark" on the metal pocket clip, and all the background images were painted by the same artist in Denmark, or at least they used to be.

The Beatles, crossing Abbey Road, and Elvis, sliding with his guitar across the front of Graceland, can have races.

I received this gift set for Christmas when I was around 11. The box was used to store cards for the past few decades. And the book was on a shelf.

 And here's Misty... That saddle belongs to another horse!

That saddle belongs to the horse on the left here; I guess he lent it to Misty. I had a lot more horses than these four and I know I photographed them, but these were the only photos I could find right now.

I found this in a drawer. I had to wear a nose clip when I was on the Synchonized Swim Team in high school. But I haven't done any underwater acrobatics lately. Good thing, as I doubt this nose clip is still good!

Luke found my swim cap from when I was 11, before we lived in this house. We spent the summer in an apartment complex in a suburb of Denver while my dad worked there, and you had to wear a cap in the pool. And yes, I called myself Paulie after Paul McCartney.

Of course I dotted my i with a peace sign...

I can't remember where we acquired this little red schooldesk from. I might have used it when I played school in our garage in Gardena. (I was usually the teacher.) It is now cleaned up and in my sister's back yard.

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