Wednesday 7 October 2015

Day 86: Stuff on the Walls Part Four - My Room

I wish I had taken more photos of my teenage room. These two were taken with an Instamatic camera, with a flash cube, so not very hi-def!

This was my closet door in the mid seventies. How many pop stars can you identify - answers on a post card, please! The Fantasia poster, the White Album Beatles photos and the paint by numbers portrait of the little white dog (spitting image of our Daisy) I think I first put up when we moved in in 1972; the rest came later. I will be posting a photograph of the Todd portrait; it was done by a school friend called Devyd Chi for five bucks. Those are pop top chains hanging down. (This will probably puzzle anyone under 40. Yes, pop tops used to pop off!)

 This was the other side of the room; there are some gum wrapper chains as well hanging down. The pole lamp is now in the family room, but I only put it there two years ago.

This print out is on that wall right now. When I worked at Futurekids in 2000, writing and editing curricula, I had to test every exercise. I displayed my favorites on the walls of my cublicle. I think this was someone else's second grade lesson in which you needed to insert an adjective and a noun.

"Once my family came in first in a hopping race."

Years later I had a job proofreading textbooks. If I encountered an odd sentence, or a typo that we in the trade would call a "howler", I would add it to this collection. I left it on the wall of my cubicle when I was laid off/made redundant, and returned to London in 2006. When I visited LA the next two years I was called back to work during my holiday, and my cubicle, including my collections and other notes, and all the music on my Mac, was just as I had left it. I was ordered by my old boss not to ever forget to tell them I was visiting! Well, the third year the whole business, which had been in the same building in L.A. for 55 years moved to India. I am glad I had the foresight to finally take down my bits!

In the early 90s or so, Barbie collector cards were issued. I have them all (natch!) and I think I sent away for this poster showing them all. I used to love it, but I wish it were all classic pre 1972 Barbie. Too much of the bimbo version!

I'm a tad embarrassed to admit that I don't know where this poster came from; if someone gave it to me, I cannot remember who; as far as I can recall, it just appeared in my old room once time when I came back to America. I like it though. I mean, who doesn't like Don Knotts? He is my friend Karen's father and she had a fantastic one person show about growing up as his daughter, Tied Up in Knotts.

Everyone should have some Dan Janisch on their walls. This was his Christmas card some year in the mid or late 90s.

 And here is his Christmas present to me in 1996, beautifully framed of course. It's called Angel.

And, from the following year we have:

Crispy the Christmas squirrel!

 And Chiggers, the cartoon scary dingo!

 And finally, we have a Tomata Du Plenty:

Pirandello's Six Characters in Search of an Author

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